Sunday, August 3, 2014

Keck's Longhorn Root Beer

I recently went on a trip to Missouri with my son to do some maintenance on his property.  While there we were looking on the internet for any root beer events in the area. We found that there was an event going on at Odessa, Missouri the next day and that there would be a root beer wagon at the event.  Since Odessa was only about 30 minutes to the east we decided to go.

This is what we found.:  Keck's Longhorn Root Beer

We met Connie Keck and had a great time talking and drinking Root Beer.  She brews her own root beet and brings it to the show in kegs.  Then as you order it she fills the bottle of your choice and puts a cork in it.  It is a great tasting root beet, and I have drank a lot of root beers. A nice smooth taste that does not have too much carbonation.

Connie, shown here next to me and my Grandson Matthew, has been brewing root beer and going to events for 21 years.  You can check out her web page at  She also has a facebook page you can check out

Of course I had to bring some home so Cindy could try some.  If you want some you will have to find her at an event.  Her web page shows her calendar so you can see where she will be.  This was a great find.

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